Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

Upgrading from Express v2.0 to v2.1 - WebsydianExpress for Windows

Always remember to do a backup prior to updating your WebsydianExpress installation.

Obtain WebsydianExpress v2.0 PTF package

  1. Download the latest cumulative fix package from our download application at http://www.websydianexpress.com

Update runtime objects on the PC

The following information updates the runtime objects of your WebsydianExpress installation.

  1. Start by stopping your WebsydianExpress
  2. Unpack the obtained ZIP file to the root directory of your WebsydianExpress installation
    e.g. c:\program files\Websydian\Express v2.0 for Windows

Update database on SQL Server

Run the SQL script named upgrade.sql in the "SQL Server Management Studio" for the WebsydianExpress database.

The upgrade.sql is located in the root directory of your WebsydianExpress installation

Update Websydian Web Server Component

Make sure that you have a current backup of the WAR file deployed on your Web Server Servlet engine before continuing.

Run the pack.exe located in the subdirectory "Web Server Component" of your WebsydianExpress to update the WAR file used by the Servlet Engine.

The packaging tool (pack.exe) will prompt you for automatic deployment on the local Tomcat engine if available and configuration uses this Tomcat instance. If this is not the case you have to deploy the WAR file manually.

Support Service! If you are in doubt please contact Websydian Support at support@websydian.com

Note for Plex developers

Make sure that you download the latest installation package of Websydian v6.0 to obtain v2.1 of the WSYAPI library model.